Bjørn Vidar Solli Quintet feat. Seamus Blake

Søndag 26. mars 2023 kl 20.00

Dokkhuset Scene, Trondheim

250,- (ordinær) / 150,- (student) / 125,- (medlem)

Paal Nilssen-Love Large Unit ‘EthioBraz’

I et unikt samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Dokkhuset Scene, FRI FORM, PØKK, Ny Musikk Trondheim  og Trondheim Jazzforum

Paal Nilssen-Love is one of the hardest working and most prolific musicians there is. Known from bands like The Thing and Chicago Tentet as well as collaborations with musicians like Arto Lindsay, Otomo Yoshihide, Peter Brötzmann, Thurston Moore and many others.
In 2013 he decided it was time to start his own big band ensemble, and Large Unit came to life. Consisting of mostly younger Scandinavian musicians, Large Unit manifests as an intense powerhouse force on stage, but also veers into more subtle and textural passages.

At Molde jazzfest 2018 Large Unit was extended to 21 persons, adding musicians from Brazil and from the Ethiopian dance/music ensemble Fendika, and also throwing Dutch guitarist Terrie Ex in the mix

‘Ethiobraz is a colorful cross-pollination, an exuberant tribute to musical openness, positive energy and life. Twenty-one artists from three continents, together account for an exciting, emotionally intense trip (Guy Peters)’

Niklas Barnö (SE) – trumpet; Mats Äleklint (SE) – trombone; Kristoffer Alberts (NO) – tenor and alto saxophone; Julie Kjær (DK) – alto saxophone and flute; Klaus Holm (NO) – Bb clarinet, alto and baritone saxophone; Per Åke Holmlander (SE) – tuba; Kalle Moberg (NO) – accordion; Ketil Gutvik (NO) and Terrie Ex (NL)– electric guitar; Tommi Keranen (FI) – electronics; Jon Rune Strøm (NO) and Christian Meaas Svendsen (NO) – double and electric bass; Andreas Wildhagen (NO) and Paal Nilssen-Love (NO) – drums & percussion;
Celio DeCarvalho (BR) – percussion;
Melaku Belay (ET) and Zinash Tsegaye (ET) – dance; Nardos Tesfaye (ET) – vocals; Habetamu Yeshambel (ET) – masingo (stringinstrument); Mesay Abebaye (ET) – kobero (drums); Sentayehu Tadasse (ET) – krahr (stringinstrument); Robel Solomon (ET) – bass krahr

Christian Brynildsen Obermayer (NO) – sound

Døra åpner kl 19.30, konserten starter kl 20.00

Adresse: Dokkhuset Scene

Billetter: 250kr ordinær / 150kr student / 125kr medlem